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그 영상의학분야의 중심에 휴먼영상의학센터가 있습니다.

하이드로젤(Hydrogel) 보형물의 임상적 영상적특징_JCAT 2010

Clinical and Imaging Characteristics of Polyimplant Prosthesis Hydrogel Breast Implants

Jae Jeong Choi, MD,* Jae Hee Lee, MD,Þ Bong Joo Kang, MD,* Sung Hun Kim, MD,* Ji Hye Lee, MD,*

Sang Tae Ahn, MD,þ Won Jun Yoon, MD,§ and Hong Ki Lee, MD||

From the *Department of Radiology, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Catholic University of Korea; †Breast Clinic, Human Medical Imaging and Intervention Center; ‡Department of Plastic Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Catholic University of Korea; §Migo Aesthetic Surgical Clinic; and ||Image Plastic Surgery Clinic, Seoul, Korea.

Received for publication December 1, 2009; accepted December 18, 2009.

Reprints: Jae Hee Lee, MD, Human Medical Imaging and Intervention Center, 12-5 Jamwon-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea, 137-902Copyright * 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

(J Comput Assist Tomogr 2010;34: 449Y455)

Objective: To describe the clinical and imaging characteristics of Polyimplant Prosthesis (PIP) hydrogel breast implants.

Methods: Seven patients with surgically confirmed 8 ruptured and 6 normal PIP hydrogel implants were enrolled in our study.We reviewed retrospectively the medical records and breast ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of the patients.

Results: Breast asymmetry was the most common clinical feature of PIP hydrogel implant rupture. The main radiologic finding of ruptured implants was a significant fluid collection around the implant. All 4 intracapsular ruptures showed no significant collapse of the implants despite a large accumulation of fluid surrounding the ruptured implants on ultrasonography and MRI. Three extracapsular ruptures showed variable collapse of the implants, partial collapse in 1 implant and total collapse in 2 implants. One extracapsular rupture showed enlargement of the implant. Ultrasonography and MRI revealed hydrogel extension to the muscles and chest wall in all 4 extracapsular ruptures and extensive inflammation and fibrosis in 3 extracapsular ruptures.

Conclusions: Polyimplant Prosthesis hydrogel implant rupture can be clinically silent. Knowledge of clinical and radiologic findings of the ruptured implants will be helpful in its diagnosis.

Key Words: Polyimplant Prosthesis, hydrogel, implant rupture,

magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography

휴먼영상의학센터에 방문하셔서 검사 받으셨던 하이드로젤 보형물을 갖고 계셨던 일곱분과 서울성모병원 한분의 증례를 모아 논문을 썼습니다.

하이드로젤 보형물은 10년 전 즈음에 우리나라에서 많이 사용되었던 보형물이고

현재는 사용되고 있지 않습니다. 이 보형물이 파열되었을때 겉으로는 표가 잘 안나서 본인이 잘 모를수 있습니다. 영상소견은 비교적 특징적이어서, 초음파 검사를 해보면 잘 알 수 있습니다. 경험적으로 보았을때 피막 밖으로 파열이 동반되었을 때에는 MRI 검사도 해 보면 그 범위 파악이 더 정확합니다.

작성자: 유방클리닉 원장 이재희

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이전글 65 7개 병원 검진센터에서 1년간 시행된 선별유방촬영술과 초음파 검사의 민감 6,024
