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유방의 유두상 종양 진단에 있어서 초음파 유도 14 게이지 중심부바늘생검

J Breast Cancer 2008; March 11 (1): 30-5

유방의 유두상 종양 진단에 있어서 초음파 유도 14 게이지 중심부바늘생검의 유용성


가톨릭대학교 의과대학 1방사선과학교실, 2휴먼영상의학센터, 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 3병리과학교실∙4외과학교실

Is US-guided 14-gauge Core Needle Biopsy Valid for Papillary Neoplasm of the Breast?

Na Young Jung1, Jaehee Lee1,2, A Won Lee3, Byung Joo Song4, Sang Seol Jung4

Department of 1Radiology, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Seoul; 2Human Medical Imaging and Intervention Center, Seoul; Departments of 3Pathology and 4Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Purpose: We wanted to determine the underestimation rate of ultrasound (US)-guided 14-gauge core needle biopsy for papillary neoplasms that were treated with subsequent surgical excision or vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB) and we also wanted to evaluate the sonographic findings of papillary neoplasms.

Methods: A retrospective review of the US-guided core needle biopsies of 984 consecutive lesions from January 2004 to April 2006 revealed 29 (3%) papillary neoplasms.

Twenty five lesions were further excised by surgery (n=16) or VAB (n=9). The remaining 4 lesions were not further excised and they were excluded from this study. We evaluated the concordance between results of core needle biopsy and the final pathologic results. We reevaluate the sonographic findings of the papillary neoplasms included in our study.

Results: The pathologic results of core needle biopsy were benign in 21 and atypical in four. Of the 21 benign papillomas, none were revealed as carcinoma after further excision. Just one lesion showed focal atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) after VAB. Three intraductal papillomas with ADH underwent surgical excision (n=3) or VAB (n=1), and they were proved to be the same pathologic entities with (n=1) or without (n=3)

lobular neoplasia. The sonographic findings were as follows: four intraductal masses, four intracystic masses, four solid masses with peripheral anechoic rims, five extraductal masses adjacent to dilated ducts, six pure solid masses, and two mixed masses.

Conclusion: US-guide 14-gauge core needle biopsy for papillary neoplasm showed no underestimation after surgical excision or VAB in our study, and the procedure proved to be reliable for the assessment of papillary neoplasm if the imaging and pathologic findings were concordant. Papillary neoplasms showed variable sonographic findings.

Key Words : Breast, Papilloma, Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy, Automated

gun biopsy

중심단어 : 유방, 유두종, 초음파 유도 중심부바늘생검, 자동총생검

다음글 64 동일대학 부속 7개 병원 검진 센터에서 1년간 40세 이상에서 시행된 선 6,177
이전글 62 유방촬영술에서 정상인 여성의 선별 유방 초음파 검사의 유용성_대한유방검진 5,863
